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Willem RedBeard
Player ID: 132822
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 329
Energetic immunity : 464
Trade sense : 190
Briskness : 373
Initiative : 178
Defence : 1344
Attack : 2104
Power : 342
Luck : 91
Volition : 1
Cartography : 2
Waterhandling : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Transposition Principle = 1513
Darkness Principle = 2536
Time Principle = 2536
Element Principle = 1469
Principle of Imagination = 714
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 4089 | Lost: 4211
Honor: 119
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Dedicated to learning, serving, and protecting others.

Physical Appearance and Description

(Page torn out, no replacement yet)

Summary of deeds and status within the realm:

  • Named "Watcher of the Liquid Dust" by stormrunner on March 2, 2009.
  • Hired as Guardian of Windy's bar (The Wind and Rain Pub), on March 10, 2009.  Now occupying room #1 at the bar.
  • Member of the Necrovian Sentinels.  Previously the Right-hand guardian of Falen Angel and adept of stormrunner.
  • Bestowed with the tag Guard on the last day of the spring festival in 2009; additionally received two items: a gold ornate fountain pen and a room key for the Wind and Rain Pub.  The fountain pen was later traded to Pamplemousse.
  • I keep a journal in my "Personal Hate list", you will likely learn the most about me by reading my notes.
  • Organized a movement to restore balance and honour to battle within Magicduel.  Gathered support from many and within 24-hours changes were made to the fighting system by Mur in order to fix the problem.
  • Completed Akasha's quest for "Treasure hunters" and received a WishPoint for it.
  • Placed 3rd in the May 2009 Heads Contest.
  • Jury member for the Paper Shaper contest, June 2009.
  • Received a Drachorn for contributions to the Spell Document poem
  • Attained Perpetual Balance for the first time June 26, 2009.



Current Possessions: 

-A green hardcover notebook and an ordinary looking pen.

-An ancient wood pipe and a bag of pipe tobacco from phantasm. The pipe looks as old as phantasm.

-Unremarkable armour and weapons, though they are well kept and clean.  Clearly intended more for freedom of movement and comfort than for heavy protection.  Recently, has acquired a number of heavy armour sets and keeps them in his room at the Pub in case they are needed.

-A bracelet with dark, shadowy beads, received from Mcvities Shadow.  Used to focus energy during the use of Elemental magic.

-A flourite crystal, received from Mainnalle.  Stores massive amounts of magical energy.  Drained and destroyed to help Cryxus.

-#1 room key for the Wind and Rain Pub

-A small bottle of very special scotch.  Given by Cremated Credence on March 21st.  Half empty now.

-Two scimitars made from the fangs of the hell dog Cerberus given by HolyPaladin Deba

Some of my creatures
Siren T-Rex Dirt Devil Ace of Spades Big Bow III Ancient Bird Uber Knator Medic Gabriel Alucard Shaft! Giant Stick

An old green hardcover notebook

(I tend not to hate things, and instead find the good (or not so bad) side of all situations.  So I am going to use this as a place to keep my notes.  Note that everything is in reverse chronological order, with the most recent events starting from the top. Some of the older events recorded here have no date, sadly I was less careful in my original log-keeping.)


September 18: I wake after a long slumber and the world around me has been changing.  I feel out-of-place now.  No longer a Sentinel, what do I do now?  There are new lands to explore, perhaps something there will interest me.  Thankfully there are still many people around that I know.  Though for every person that I know, there are many more new faces.  This is not a bad thing; change is good.  Today I will explore and learn, watch and listen, and at the end I will see where I now stand.

June 27: As I sit against the wall by the Howling Gates, I begin to think.  Not just think, but ruminate.  Sometimes focused on a single idea, and other times with apparently not thought at all.  My conscious and unconscious mind churn ideas around in my head.  Slowly my perception of the surrounding area and people fades off into a haze and I am left only in my mind.  What is important now?  Strength, power, magic, balance, friends, enemies, life?  

June 26: Today was interesting.  I had a number of prolonged talks with others, something I don't do very often.  On separate occasions during the day, I talked to Windy, Mya, and Gauge.  There was also a period of discussion at the dojo, that was much less profound, but still entertaining.  The talks I had were very varied, but all where very enjoyable.  Topics included such things as music, the "big name" players, war, the current state of the training and battle in the realm as well as the past, annoying people, and many others.

Today was also filled with many training battles for me as I continually seek to balance myself.  Hour after hour I kept summoning my creatures and with each battle they grew stronger.  More ravenous with each victory, it seemed that they knew what I longed for and were giving all they could to make it happen.  With wild abandon, hundreds fell before me today and my army hardly knew defeat.  During this time I was supported by many friends, particularly adiomino and Gauge who were with me at the end when balance was gained for me.  As a counter-balance for gaining so many victories in a short period of time, I offered every burst of strength I had to my friends, sacrificing my own vitality to help them as well.  And so, for at least a short period of time, I have once again attained balance in battle.

June 24: I won't write down in detail all that has happened since my last entry, but instead just list some of the events to help my memory.  After a bit of drama, stormrunner released Windy from the collar used to subdue her.  I was released by Falen from my duty as her Right-hand Guardian, which was followed by an honour-battle between the two of us.  We fought using only our weapons without any magic or divine powers, and afterwards got drunk at the Wind and Rain pub.  I caught Sagewoman and domonic destroying perfectly good bottles of Dark Rum, and managed to save one bottle from them.  Unfortunately, I hid up in Raven Hold and drank the rum, then promptly fell out of Raven Hold, breaking some ribs, my left arm, and possibly some other parts of my body.  Later, Windy gave me a vial of some healing liquid.

June 21: Came across Windy at the House of Liquid Dust (HoLD) today.  Surrounded by tornadoes and lightning, she was raging against the HoLD.  I yelled her name, but I was met by pitch black eyes that held no recognition.  Pushing closer to her, I managed to get close enough to tackle her, but only passed right through and landed on my face.  She had reverted to her Spiritform.  There was nothing to could do to calm her down, so I called for help.  Moments later, stormrunner came, followed by Lady Tygara and Assira the Black.  Windy did not recognize them either, and tried to hurt them, but there were able to protect themselves.  Then Windy flew at me and possessed me before I could get a defense up.  Possessed, I turned and made to attack stormrunner.  Moments before the first blow landed, I partially forced Windy out of myself and halted the attack.  We both collapsed to the ground and Windy was physically normal again, but still in a blind rage.  Assira restrained her with Earth magic.  I tried to calm down Windy and help her return to normal, but she broke through the Earth bonds and punched me in the face.  At which point I partially blacked out.  As a final resort, stormrunner put a special collar on Windy that would subdue her.  Almost immediately, Windy passed out, then stormrunner carried her to the Howling Gates.

June 20: For better or for worse, I've started sketching.  Here are some of the initial results...

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).


(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).


June 1: Competed in the Heads Contest over the last few days, starting on May 28.  It went well and I ended up placing 3rd... I was particularly proud of this, because I was absent during the last two days of the contest as I was unable to connect to my spirit during this time.  The highlight for me, was that I attacked MRD and actually beat him, taking all of his heads (over 1000!).  After a short run with the heads though, I ran out of breath and lost them to MRWarrior. 

May 28: I heard screams coming from the House of Liquid Dust and ran there.  Something strange was going on that I have trouble describing.  There was a large black cloud, tiny creatures (imps?) dancing, and a nearly constant rush of wind and noise.  I will not describe all of the events that occurred, but it was clear that the demons, the source of the voices in phantasm's head had finally broken free.  At least partially.  An odd battle ensured between those of us that were gathered there because of the screams, and the large black being.  Let me think, who was all there...Mya Celestia, Ibruzu, Sagewoman, and myself.  A few other people came and went.  Eventually we were able to free phantasm from the demons.  He was bleeding from many wounds, but as I watched, his blood seeped over his body and formed a tough cacoon around him.  Thankfully he is alive and seems to be in the process of some kind of change.

May 27: An ever increasing sense of boredom has been building in my mind recently.  Where is the excitement and adventure? The puzzles and the challenges? The heroes, villains, and those of unknown motives?  Perhaps this land needs something new to bring this about.  Perhaps a crisis or dilemma.  Hmm... 

May 22: Attended an impromptu meeting at Wind's Gate.  The meeting was originally called because there were some serious accusations against Mur.  As the accuser never showed up and no one spoke up for them, the meeting quickly shifted to Mur lecturing about the history, story, future, and some driving forces behind Magicduel.  It went on for a few hours and there were some interesting discussions. I was definitely glad to be in attendance, and took note of everything Mur said.

Later in the day, I was at the RotM pub, when suddenly Mya began to feel her jab ache and she knew that twistedgremlin was around.  Mya was determined to face her, and so I followed to make sure she would be safe.  Phantasm, zalabar, and mcvitie were also around and we all went with Mya.  At the edge of Loreroot, mcvitie started arguing that we should let Mya go alone.  I did not follow mcvitie's arguments, and eventually we continued on.  Mya said that the last time she saw twistedgremlin was at the House of Liquid Dust, so we headed there.  We arrived just in time to see Silent Susan disembowel twistedgremlin.  This is when things got really confusing.  Mcvitie attacked Susan and after a short battle, Mcvitie nearly killed Susan.  Then from no where, Gremlin appeared and saved Susan.  At the point that Mcvitie nearly killed Susan, Mcvitie seemed to change back to her "normal" self, and she ran off.  Strange.  I haven't had a chance to talk to Gremlin about what happened afterwards yet, but during the encounter, he mentioned something about having hired Susan to kill twistedgremlin.

Not long after this, I was at Windy's pub, when I received a strange message from Lady Eve.  She was having her baby!  Now, my memory is poor, but the name was only vaguely familiar to me.  Still, it didn't matter and in only a few moments I found her at the entrance to Loreroot.  She was alone and clearly in the pains of childbirth.  I send a message on the wind to Assira, for I could think of no other.  Thankfully, Assira showed up almost immediately and took care of Eve.  Around this time, a few people from the pub, who must have followed me, showed up.  Also someone called King Daimon and another called icepheonix were there.  It came out later that icepheonix was the father, but was somehow now estranged from Eve.  Anyways, under Assira's watchful eye and guiding hand, the child was born healthy and well.

May 20: I've gotten lazy with my journal, but I'm no longer going to worry about that.  Events will happen and perhaps I will forget certain things, but I have a feeling that all of the important stories will leave their mark in some way.  I suppose one of the big events since I last wrote was that I took up a movement to return balance and honour to fighting.  A day after I started, Mur made some changes to the fighting system that were a large boon to this. 

May 12: The days now seem to fly by.  I can't remember if I can written about this already, but I think I am done training for now.  While becoming stronger and more experienced in battle has been important to me, I feel that it has been a drain on my time, to the extent that I loss touch with those around me.  If I get the opportunity, I will search for the cube more today.

I am back in Necrovion now, searching for the white cube, but first I must write about what has just happened.  I received an urgent message from Windy.  She told me that Falen Angel has been lost in the maze for a week now and was dangerously close to dying or starvation and dehydration.  Hearing this, I ran to the maze and began searching for her.  With no clue to her whereabouts in the maze, I began walking through it as fast as I could.  Thankfully, I am getting accustomed to the maze and I found her after only a few minutes of searching.  She had passed out and was in a coma.  A strange light was shining down on her and I thought I heard the echo of some voice.  As I approached her, a disembodied voice told me that her body had shutdown to save itself and that I must carry her out of the maze.  Carefully, I gathered up her body and began to trace my steps back through the maze.  Going forward through the maze was one thing, but trying to find my way out, was another entirely!  After many deadends and wrong turns, I finally made my way back to the entrance with Falen. 

Not knowing what to do next, I made my way to the Howling Gates.  There I found Kittiness and left Falen with her to nurture and care for.

May 8: Today I ran into someone new.  She appeared to be young and already knew me.  Her name is Fate and she is the daughter of stormrunner and Mcvitie.  We talked briefly, then I told her the tale of the first encounter that I remember with stormrunner.  It was the Tale of SilverBlades.  Very polite and considerate, she listened attentively while I spoke.  She has the ability to see other people's memories when she touches them, and for much of the story she held my hand.  I must say it was an interesting experience.  I didn't feel much, but just to know that she could see what was happening was very peculiar.

Afterwards, I journied into Necrovion again.  Recalling recent events, I have decided to begin searching for the White Cube that was lost in Necrovion during recent events with The Traveller.  So far my search has not revealed much, but if I don't find much, I should not be surprised.  I have learned that I might need to gain access to the Graveyard in Necrovion, as this was the last place the White Cube was seen.

May 4: I have been absent from the conscious for the weekend, but have found the break to be very refreshing.  As I follow Marind deeper through her tale, I find I am constantly growing stronger.  This morning when I awoke, I felt a strange perturbation in the air, and ran to the Howling Gates.  There I found them to be open to me, and so I have entered.  Once again, I have journeyed to Deathmarrow.  Peace, and a few others, were gathered there.  For a few hours now, I have been learning from Peace and listening to stories.  Though sometimes I grow anxious to speed up the process of becoming a Sentinal, I try not to rush it.  

Oddly enough, within moments of writing that, Peace messaged me and invited me into the Sentinals.  I returned later to learn more of the Sentinals and the desert.  

Apr 30: In the space of a few hours, I lost over 2 million Value Points while figuring out how to lose experience.  I thought I was doomed to having negative Value Points for at least a few days, but Cless came to my rescue and after a few bursts, I was back in the positive.  Lesson learned!  

Today is also the "Slave auction".  I have decided not to participate in it or even to attend.  

Apr 29: Been working on a number of quests.  I think I have everything in place for Tarquinus' Knight quest, but I need to put it all together to submit to him.  I also found that Gargant had a new quest up, so I've been charging all over MD working on it.  Right now I am resting at the MDA gates before moving on to what I hope will be the last part of the quest.

Apr 28: Helped out Gremlin with some training today.  Mur has reopened the maze and I have tackled it again.  Very quickly this time and am now in Golemus.  Let us see what I will find here. This is my first real visit to GG. Met a few familiar faces, MRPip, ClockMaster, and more.  Saw the aramor carcasses and could not resist killing one.  Pretty tough!  I won't kill anymore as we are not supposed to.

I have wandered past the Drachorn caves.  Though I would enter to get one of the beasts for myself, some power forbid my entry.  At an other location, The Pillar of Harmony, there is a portal, that seems to be much like the Gazebo of Equilibrium.  Strangely, this location has six pillars for input.  It glows readily at my touch, but I could get no code to work.

This day, I have, for the first time, maxed out the experience at mind power level 5.  It was fun to, and now need to work for the first time to also lose this experience.

Apr 24: Last night, shortly before I went to bed, I found stormrunner by the Howling Gates.  Something was wrong and I noticed that he was no longer a Sentinal.  I don't know what has happened, but I will find out.

Today, as a result of Mur's experimenting, an MP2 by the name of DarkSideOfTheMoon, showed up at the Gazebo of Equilibrium.  He was very lost and confused, and seemed on the edge of quiting.  Thankfully, a few other people and myself convinced him to stay and have been trying to show him the land of MD and teach him the basics.  Hopefully he sticks with it.  I remember how confusing everything was at first.

Apr 23: I have been continuing to train hard, and it feels good.  Today, I found the gate to necrovion was open, and so I entered once again.  Things have changed, the way to the capital is open and I have walked through many new places.  After exploring the new area, I sacrificed a bunch of creatures in Necrovion, which was a great boon to my Darkness principle.  I recruited another Unholy priest and am now working to increase my number of trees and heretic archers.

Akasha's quest continues to puzzle me.  I have translated the message, and I have some thoughts on what to do next, but nothing material.  Hmm...

Through training and sacrificing creatures, I have recently increased my stats significantly.  Though I am worried that my recent absence and dedication to training might be consuming too much of my time and is putting me out of touch with those around me.  Perhaps it is time to find a new balance between training and other tasks.

Apr 21: For better or for worse, today I decided to sell my fountain pen to Pamplemousse.  After a good bit of haggling, we agreed upon an acceptable trade.  It feels strange to be without my new fountain pen, but thankfully I still have my old one, and I think Pamplemousse will be much more use out of the fancy one, then I will.

Apr 20: I've been absent from this realm for a while and now I feel very out-of-touch with everything around me. 

Apr 6: Was waiting for the end of the festival today when Mur came by with some presents for me!  Very exciting and a great honour.  He gave me a real ornate gold fountain pen and a room key for the Wind and Rain pub.  Also, perhaps I am not unknown as I believe I am, as I was also destowed with the tag: Guard.  I was beginning to doubt that it was worth my time to stay until the end of the festival.  Silly me! 

Apr 1: Not much luck helping phantasm find his supplies, but there have been other interesting events today.  Someone I had not talked to in a long time, but that I met early in my travels showed up again today,  The Black Rose. She is strange and a bit of mystery, but can be usually seen around with her dog, Harri. Recently she has been having troubling dreams, connected to these dreams is an evil being, Krad.  I have an odd attraction to this girl, perhaps it is simply my instinct to protect others, but I feel it is more than that.  This is mostly a new experience for me.

Mar 30: After a night's rest and talking with Zleiphneir, I have decide to give up the head's contest.  It has been fun and educational, but the sacrifice required to compete is too high.  I have had to give up interacting with others, I was always running around, and I have lost touch with the surrounding world.  Though I have learned a lot and actually talked with people whom I might not have otherwise, I still can not longer continue in the contest.  This is actually very happy and freeing, and not actually very disappointing at all.

Yesterday I was approached by phantasm.  He had taken notice of my guarding at the House of Liquid Dust, and had a proposition for me.  phantasm hears voices constantly, and desires to gain control over these voices.  This quest will require a number of people to help, including guardians to watch over him, while he faces these voices within his mind.  I have agreed to help phantasm any way that I can.  For now I am helping by searching for supplies and items that he requires for his mind journey.

Mar 29:  Been competing in the Heads Contest, so I haven't kept with current events too much.  Still, I've tried to stop by the dojo occasionally and say Hi.  One interesting thing happened today.  I had lost all of my heads and was sitting by Bob, drinking an ale, when this strange character came by and started asking questions of Zleiphneir.  These questions quickly shifted from fairly innocent, to digging into Zleiphneir's reasons for guarding Bob.  He seemed to want to get Zleiphneir away from Bob.  I can't remember his name for sure, but I think it was Kamisha or something similar.

Mar 27: Today was very exciting, but it started out rather boring.  I was hanging out in the dojo, waiting for the festival to end, and started helping other mp4's by giving wins and experience.  At one point there was quite a crowd of people in the dojo, when Shalanar entered the dojo and gave his usually greeting.  I forget exactly what it was that set of Brady, but I think Shalanar ran around the dojo and slapped everyone on the ass, including Brady's lover.  Some words were said, a few blows exchanged and eventually MRPip tried to separate them.  Shalanar kept provoking and Brady kept reacting, eventually resulting in a full fledge fight.  A few of us took this rather lightly, as sat around eating popcorn and drinking while watching the spectacle.  Things mostly got silly before it ended, but I think in the end no feeling were truly hurt.  Shortly afterwards, for reasons I can not recall, zalabar turned me into a red dragon!  Instead of resisting, I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a dragon.  Later zalabar also turned me into a fire wyrm and a frost wyrm.  During all of this, zalabar rode around on my back, launching his watery arsenal at all of those in the dojo.  I loved soaring through the air and breathing fire. 

Having clearly enjoyed this so much, but also because it was dangerous to not be able to resist the magic of others, stormrunner is now teaching me to harden my mind to outside influences and also to transform my own body at will.  I practiced this briefly in the dojo today.  I could feel a heat from inside my body that spread to my skin.  Gradually my skin changed to bright red, my eyes became dragon-like (narrow slits for pupils, and a deep, dark red to match the Red Dragon I was working to become), and I even breathed a stream of hot air momentarily.  Then I returned to normal.  I will have to work on controlling this power.

Mar 24: A few days have passed, once again I have been lax in my journaling.  Perhaps it is the heavy drinking, or perhaps it's just the constant stream of highly emotional events, but I just haven't been in a mood to write the last few days.  Hopefully, I don't get out of the habit too much, as I certainly enjoy it.  Anyways, let me make a short summary of what I remember of the last few days.  Let's see... King Bull has emerged from the House, though I haven't noticed much of a change.  stormrunner and Dark Mystic have broken up, for reasons still unknown to me.  Last night stormrunner was very depressed about this.  Gremlin and I took it upon ourselves to cheer him up.  We all became fairly intoxicated, though stormrunner was by far the worst, and could barely stand by the end of the night.  Unfortunately, this all happened at the Wind and Rain Pub.  There was some minor property damage, a broken chair and table if I recall, and when Windy returned it was not a pretty sight.  Thankfully stormrunner was so drunk, that he didn't feel a thing.  It wasn't pretty, though it was rather comical to see Windy causing more damage to her pub than stormrunner.  SageWoman showed up just as the punishment commenced and we all sat down to watch.  Once Windy was done, she turned her wrath on Gremlin and myself.  Thankfully SageWoman pretended to punish me, and I was spared the wrath of Windy.  Eventually, the situation calmed down and we split up.  I followed SageWoman to the Loreroot inn to make sure she arrived safely.  I told her of my intention to move to up mp5 and she gave me some most excellent advice.  If you are reading this, thank you SageWoman. 

Mar 20: I am once again at the house of Liquid Dust.  This situation is confusing me.  Yesterday, March the 19th, I was walking by the house of Liquid Dust and noticed traces of King Bull entering the house.  In concern, I contracted a number of my friends and asked them to help, or at least come and visit to lend their advice.  There is some debate as to whether King Bull is actually in the house, or whether this is some kind of trick.  Honestly, I personally don't know, but all the same I feel my obligation, and am now sitting outside of the house in vigil.  Perhaps this is a foolish endeavour, but that does not really matter.  Even if this ends up being mostly a waste of time, I will have learned more about the people involved and the nature of the House of Liquid Dust.  Sometime after King Bull entered the house, assirlac (sorry if I spelt the name wrong) and Ectremere showed up.  assirlac appeared to be in some kind of altered state or trance, her eyes were completely black.  Ignoring everything around her she walked up to the house of liquid dust.  I did was I could to stop her, but in the end my efforts had no effect and she apparently entered the house and disappeared.  Ectremere, driven by love, attempted to follow her into the house, but was unable to enter it. 

Shortly after this, a maze was opened up by Mur near the archives.  Being in the middle of the festival, and having dubious thoughts about this whole event, I decided to enter the maze.  What happened next I have already described yesterday.

Mar 19: A few days have past.  All has ended well.  Many exciting and interesting events have occurred these few days: stormrunner was not truly killed, he has reconciled with Dark Mystic and her order, I have maxed out mp4, and so much more.  There has been so much happening and I have once again been lack in my journaling. 

A maze opened up today by the archives.  I entered the maze and struggled for a while with it and eventually fell asleep in the maze.  When I awoke, the challenge was over, but I could not give up.  I stumbled upon the entrance again, and Pamplemousse was there.  After giving her a kiss for good luck, I charged back into the maze.  With a good night's sleep, my head was clear and I quickly found the exit to the maze.  I ended up in a strange land, which I will now hopefully get a chance to enjoy.  Sadly it turns out that we (those that finished the maze) are now stuck on a mountain top in Golemus Golemcarus.  At least this now means I've also been in GG.  Still I would have liked the opportunity to explore this land more.

Mar 14: A day of tragedy.  My protector has died today.  I wish I knew what was going on.  I came into the dojo and he was threatening to kill Dark Mystic and all those of her order.  I will write more about this when my head is clear, for now, I am just confused and waiting for answers.

Mar 13: Continued my training with renewed vigor today.  Another disturbing event happened today, related to previous concerns.  Again, this is not yet public information, but I write about it now to help remind myself what has gone on.  Some trouble at the Pub today, SubZeroo and Necromancer Mortis argued over some dispute.  Later, Virtuous Pride upset Windy, and caused her to become very angry and stuck in her human form.  stormrunner guessed that recent stresses and staying in her human form too much have caused the problem.

Battled a lot today, but as my balance in fights is almost restored, my honor is dropping.  Need to be careful

Mar 12: Woke up today and when I entered the Pub I came upon SubZeroo and Gremlin.  SubZeroo had just finished forging a new weapon for Gremlin, a set of Drachorn claws with flawless rubies imbedded in them.  Sat and listened for a while as SubZeroo described the different classifications and uses for gems in weapons and armour.  He also told the tale of the origins of his power.

Mar 11: Today was good.  Visited Bob and Zleiphneir.  Ended up staying quite a while, eating lunch, and having a nap by Bob.  The rest of the day was occupied with practicing my elemental magic.  As the Earth element is the newest to me, I focused my time on it.  Spent some time at the Wind and Rain Pub.  Talked with Gremlin quite a bit.  He is becoming another good friend of mine.  Listened to a story he told today.  It was a touching tale of two lovers and stars.  I did not record it, but it was wonderful.

Mar 10: Lots of excitement with the festival going on and Mur doing many things.  Congratulations to all of the new RPC's and those that have recieved presents!  Visited Windy's bar and had some most excellent mead.  Helped SageWoman with a cut on her foot. 

The next morning I was offered a position at Windy's Bar, she wants me to be a security guard and to help keep the peace when I am at the bar.  I have agreed to take the position and in recompense, will receive room and board.  I have the #1 room.  This is another great honour for me.

Been helping around the bar and looking over my papers today.  I am also becoming concerned about something, but I will not write about it more here.

Mar 9: Helped out some people new to magicduel while training today.  Tried to be as helpful as I could, and it seems to have paid off, as Foxwayne became my adept.  Hopefully I will be a good mentor.  Encountered Awiiya at the paper cabin.  He taught me some very important lessons and gave me very powerful information concerning magic.  Sadly I suddenly lost consciousness and will need to continue talking with him at a later time.

Joined in the surprise party at the Gazebo of Silence, sadly my memory fails me and I forget whose birthday it was.  Still it was a fun occasion.

Mar 8: Been training a lot, working on fixing my balance and strengthening my creatures.

Mar 7: Listened to a story at Whisper Alley today told by Phoenyckz.  It started out by Phoenyckz snapping his fingers and creating chairs for everyone that was gathered, and it was quite a large crowd, at least 30 people.  A very noisy crowd, but they quieted down quietly when Phoenyckz started. 

As there were assigned scribes taking down the story, I will only record information about the event.  The story was the tale of "Nero and Demetra".  A story of two common people in uncommon times. It was an interesting tale of love admist dark and evil times.

Mar 6: Mur's birthday!  Much fun was had at the gazebo of Equilibrium

Mar 3: After sleeping by the house, I woke up to once again find Cremated Credence watching over me.  He is quickly becoming a good friend and someone I can rely on.  Falen Angel, someone I don't really know, came by today.  She asked to have the item that SageWoman gave me, saying that it was no longer needed.  After I refused to give it to her, she became very happy and was pleased that I didn't.  Apparently it was some kind of test.  I will continue my watch of the house of Liquid Dust today, though it is slowly becoming wearisome, and I hope to hear news of Renevoid soon.  Though perhaps a more permenant solution could be found to the dangers of the House?

I have spoken to Marvolo and he knows nothing more of Renevoid, though he is quite certain that Renevoid is not in Necrovion.  I am becoming more anxious about this whole situation; with the upcoming festival and the heads contest, many people have seemingly forgotten about Renevoid.  Something must be done.  I believe a character named Treehill knows more about this, he has posted a somewhat cryptic message indicating that a spell called Wind Ward might help.  Others suggest that he might actually mean Air Ward.  No matter the case, I must find out more, I shall seek out Treehill.  Credence has once again been of great help and encouragement to me.  A true friend he is.

StrongWilled Legna visited the house today.  We discussed how things were going.  I will have to watch her closely, ass he has made it clear that she will try to enter the house if he wants to.  Likely her intentions are good, but I cannot allow this to happen.  Unless ofcourse there is a very good chance of successfully rescuing Renevoid.

Of all the unexpected things to happen, Khalazdad came to the house of Liquid Dust today during my watch.  While he was there, he answered a number of my questions and told me a tale from the Darkness War.  Perhaps I will share this tale at one time, but for now I am still thinking on everything he said to me.  Most importantly, for the present, Khalazdad told me that Renevoid is not in the house, and where he is, no one can follow.  With this information, I will begin to watch the house less and spread the news, so that his followers and friends will not attempt to enter the house foolishly.  Perhaps I should put all of this information together into a story or tale of my own.  Alas, that is for another day.

Mar 2: The watch was continued through the night by stormrunner, and I have taken it up during today.  Mostly uneventful, though there was a show of support by a number of other people, as well as some tom-foolery by Cremated and MRPip, thankfully my barriers were in place, otherwise they might have hurt themselves inadvertantly.  I have been able to erect a strong barrier of Air around the house, though this would likely be ineffective against other magic wielders, as I am inexperienced, it does serve it's purpose.  This was a great accomplishment for me, as it is the largest thing I've done with Air magic to date.  Slept another night out by the house.  I eventually fell asleep at my post, and there was no one around to replace me.  When I woke up, I found Cremated Credence sleeping nearby.  He seems to be a good guy and had been watching the house for me at least part of the night.  Having woken up, I will now resume watching the house.  Cremated Credence passed along a message from jazira saying that she will teach me the basics of Earth and Fire magic soon.  stormrunner has returned and released me from watching the house.  Though I still feel it important to guard against attempts until at least we hear more about Renevoid.  stormrunner suggests I look into simplezero's spell document: windward.  For continuing to watch the house, stormrunner has named me Watcher of Liquid Dust, this is a great honour to me.

Feb 28: Head contest!This is my first head contest and it started out with a blow, as I lost my best high-combo attacking rit.  Since then I've made up for the loss and am currently tied for the number of heads in mp4, and only 1 point behind the leader.  Hiding for the moment until I can regain some APs and VE.  Apophys has taken my heads, but not moments later stormrunner called me to help him at the house of liquid dust.  stormrunner has tasked me with making sure no one enters the house of liquid dust, lest they become trapped in there as Renevoid is (his ship crashed in the neighbouring field and he was thrown into the house).

This is my first head contest and it started out with a blow, as I lost my best high-combo attacking rit.  Since then I've made up for the loss and am currently tied for the number of heads in mp4, and only 1 point behind the leader.  Hiding for the moment until I can regain some APs and VE.  Apophys has taken my heads, but not moments later stormrunner called me to help him at the house of liquid dust.  stormrunner has tasked me with making sure no one enters the house of liquid dust, lest they become trapped in there as Renevoid is (his ship crashed in the neighbouring field and he was thrown into the house).

The following is my recollection of the events of has happened since I began guarding the house of liquid dust.  I received a message from stormrunner asking for my assistance at the house of liquid dust (LD).  Running to the house, I arrived not knowing what I was to do.  stormrunner instructed me to help him guard the house, at first I was confused and thought we were trying to keep something inside the house, but it turned out we were actually working to stop people form entering the house.  Renevoid crashed nearby and is trapped inside of the house.  stormrunner is concerned that people might try to enter the house, which would likely lead to further problems as they too would become trapped in the house.  Revevoid's friends were gathered nearby and a few were clearly very anxious to try and help someway.  I held my post as best I could, though next to stormrunner and some of the others there, it seemed to me that I was there more for show and support.  The biggest event during the vigil for me thus far, was SageWoman showing up.  She told the tale of her last encounter with the house of liquid dust.  I can't remember all of the details, but she was killed, I think by Khalazdad the black, but some grey character showed up and brought her back to life.  She also had a white diamond with her, upon which her blood was spilled, and it somehow helped her.  Most surprising was that next SageWoman, took this white diamond off of her staff, wrapped it up, and gave it to ME!  I could not understand her choice in me, but I will hold this white diamond safe until it is either imperative that I use it.  After a night's rest, I have returned to the vigil by the house, not much has changed.  Mainnalle has been guarding the house in stormrunner and my absense.  stormrunner has returned briefly and the orders to guard the house still stand.  The next day of guard duty was very peaceful, Mainnalle eventually took a break and I assumed her duties, maintaining the barriers she had placed.

Feb 27: Been keeping poor track of events these past few days, but here's a summary: I took stormrunner on as my protector and have been training my creatures since then.  Not very exciting to read, but I have enjoyed it so far.  stormrunner is an excellent protector and I would recommend him to anyone looking for a strong guardian that values honour, loyalty, and that gives of themself to protect others.

Feb 24: Continues my elemental magic lessons with jazira.  Necromancer Mortis was also around and gave some very helpful hints.  I am becoming more comfortable with the basics of Air and have started with Water.  After a crushing defeat at the hands of the loreroot guardians, I received some very helpful advice and handily defeated the loreroot guardians.  This was a joyous moment, but also sad, as I now know that I could have easily done this at mp3.  I apologize to the loreroot guardians, as I was rather angry when I defeated them and did many unspeakable deeds to their remains.

Feb 23: Today I have become the adept of .Envy of Endurance. I was still in Necrovion and I found him searching for something.  He posed a strange question which immediately caught my interest.  After further discussion I agreed to follow and learn from him.  He is a healer and defender, and I can learn much from him.  I am helping my new mentor search for something, but the details of this quest are private, so I will not report on them here.

Jazira has shown me some rudimentary skills for air magic to practice.  While I was practicing these, some strange events occured in the dojo.  Some shadow character is very depressed, and cut off his own head.  Being made of shadow, his head reformed itself.... very interesting.  This shadow person, Mcvities Shadow has taught me a number of new lessons concerning magic.  Always remember thoughts and energy.  One day I will hopefully learn some shadow magic from him.

Feb 22: Emerged from the wooden box (story mode) today.  It is good to be free.  Time to start exploring mp4.  I have once again found the gate to Necrovion open and have entered that land.

Feb 15:  I have learned all that I can at this mind power level, to continue my learning, I have advanced to mind power 4.

Feb 13:  I have finally defeated the Dark Slime at the Meeting of the Roads.  Why didn't I think of this earlier? Often the best solution isn't to attack.

Used a Fenths Press for the first time.  Sacrificed a Hollow Warrior.  I chose this creature because I was not using it very much and felt the reward was sufficient.  It was an interesting experiment, one I will have to perform again. 

Feb 13 - The Tale of SilverBlades

I, Willem RedBeard, have happened upon the most facinating and disturbing event, sadly I do not understand everything, but I will record what I have see.  My appologies for details recorded inaccurately or any seeming slant given to these writing, they are not intentional.  In Marble Dale park today (Feb 13), I witnessed SilverBlades plunge some sort of enchanted sword into his chest.  It was some attempt to gain new powers.  Listening to the conversation, the sword apparently contained some vile spirit or power within it, that was transfered into SilverBlades.  Mainnalle D Ashk was either the giver of this sword, or is at least connected with it somehow, she is also in love with SilverBlades.  stormrunner is also connected somehow, and has been provoking SilverBlades, they seem very close to fighting.  After taking the sword into himself, SilverBlades fled the Park, following Mainnalle D Ashk to the Archives Main Lobby. When I finally arrived, stormrunner, SilverBlades, Mainalle D, and jazira were already there (I had followed jazira).  At the Park, it was clear that jazira was considering attempting to stop SilverBlade from using the sword, but was too late.  Mainnalle is concerned that the sword has changed SilverBlades and he is no longer who he once was.  stormrunner and SilverBlade argue for a long time, trading insults, with SilverBlades defending his choice to use the sword and calling into question stormrunners worth, while stormrunner mostly appears to be above the insults.  Keith Moon enters during the arguing and takes the situation very lightly, openly mocking SilverBlades.  jazira nervously observes this entire exchange, but is clearly ready to interceed if needed.  Mainnalle stands off and waits for SilverBlades to answer her question: has he changed, does he still love her?  She threatens to cancel their wedding.  Mainnalle says she will have to destroy Magic Duel if SilverBlades can not control the power.  SilverBlades regularly fluctuates between his new "Dark side" and his "normal side".  SilverBlades chooses to lose himself to the power, Mainnalle says she is leaving him and never wants to see him.  At this SilverBlades, tears the sword from his chest, becomes his normal self and runs to Mainnalle.  SilverBlades, free of the sword's power, tries to comfort Mainnalle.  Mainnalle explains that the use of this power requires a sacrifice, in this case, her life.  SilverBlades tries to convince her that his is not necessary anymore.  Now Jazira interveens, saying that she would like to attempted something.  Apparently there are two such swords.  I do not follow everything, but now Mainnalle no longer has to sacrifice herself.  Mainnalle warns SilverBlades that if he ever summons the power again, she will sacrifice her own life to end SilverBlades.  SilverBlades destroys the sword, and announces his plan to continue to gain strength until he can leave this place and return to his own realm.  stormrunner descends from the ceiling (he had been standing on the wall, leaning against the roof), and says that SilverBlades and Mainnalle have passed their test.  What test this was, I do not know.  SilverBlades releases Mainnalle from his embrace, and proposes to her (again?), swearing that it is only him, and no longer the swords.  Mainnalle joyfully accepts and they kiss.  jazira requests a jar with a tight fitting lid.  Mainnalle gives a jar to jazira, which jazira fills with blood directly from her own heart (she punctured herself with her tail).  Giving the full vial back to Mainnalle, jazira explains that her blood will cure all mortal woulds within seconds, and perhaps also darkened souls, though she is not certain on the last point.  Mainnalle completely heals jazira's chest wound with some kind of power from the balance.  Thus ends my observations of this event.  It was most interesting and exciting.

Today I have also attacked the Loreroot guardians with some measure of success.  Using a lvl 2 elemental, an energy burst, and focusing all of my will into the elemental, I damaged the trees for 17% of their vitality.  True, this is by no means an out right victory, but it is the first attack that has produced a positive result.  I must continue to train this elemental.  This reminds me that I also used energy bursts for the first time today.  Very invigorating!

Feb 11:  I have entered Necrovion for the first time.  Apparently, Khalazdad had temporarily opened the gates.  Though I have stumbled into this land accidentally, Marvolo tells me that I am free to exit at any point, so there is no immediate panic to leave.  I will take this opportunity to explore this strange and dark land.  I have come across some men burning something.  I kept my distance from them and walked past quietly as to not draw their attention.  Perhaps when I am stronger I will come back and ask them what they are doing.  Venturing further, down some old stone stairs, I came to an old house.  I could not enter the house, but perhaps that is not unfortunate, as it gives me chills just looking at it.  The path ended here and so I must turn back.  Coming to the fire again, I see that these "men" are burning books!  This is very sad, as all books hold important knowledge, no matter what the actual material is, and should be saved.   Continuing past a well, there is a very very odd tree.  It is large enough that it appears to have housing built into it.  I would very much like to investigate this tree, and there is a large opening in it, but some force prevents me from entering, I will have to ask around if anyone knows more about this tree.  I trekked to the other end of this land, as far as I could go, and with the expection of the Fenths press, found nothing more but emptiness and death.  As there is not much else that seems accessible to me at this time, I will begin to make my way out of Nercovion.

(This note was writen a few days after the original investigation, so details may not be 100% accurate) After a brief study of the Golden Globe, I am no closer to discovering more about its origins or purpose.  I postulate that it might be a map of some sort, or perhaps even a container for a map.  A member of MR said that the Globe is there for MR, but since they have only recently acquired the gazebo as their training grounds, I don't believe this to be the case (no offense intended towards MR members, if any MR member has more information about the history of the globe, I would love to hear it).  Perhaps the globe is a symbol or memorial of some past event? 

In my quest to enter Loreroot, I have discovered a number of things.  I won't reveal any specific details here and as of the time of this writing, I have not yet managed to enter Loreroot, so perhaps any advice I can offer is premature anyways.  The guardians to Loreroot, but I have heard tales that they have a weakness.  Again, I don't know exactly what it is, but it seems that direct damage attacks might not be the best way to defeat them.

Apparently there exists (occasionally) a spider named Fiona. A black widow that is a magical water blue spider belonging to SubZeroo.  He is experimenting with it.

Note, the first few pages of my journal have been torn out and lost forever. I do not think that much was lost, but it is still a little sad to me.

Desert Power
Mobility is the key to victory.  Do not adopt a siege mentality.  Have no home, no base, no fortress, no position to attack.  Be as the sands, shifting and dangerous and corrosive.

Page 46 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
A huge piramid turned upside down floats above her head. Akasha stares amazed at the unbelievable structure. Some sort of light is coming from behind the piramid from something far above, its dificult to see what it is while standing below it. ...
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